‘Work’ as we see —in a nutshell.

Act I - Discovery
‘The Deep Listening’

Act II - Design
‘The Messy Iterations’

Act III - Delivery
‘A Pixel-perfect Game’

Act I

Discovery first.

Life may not seem that exciting at all times, but hey, that's the good part: there are always problems waiting to be solved. We prefer to focus on problems and try to discover the origins first. You throw a stone into the water to learn how deep it is.

In the beginning, it's tumbling down the rabbit hole, but it gets more fun when you go deeper. Listening to people is the first step, and it never stops until the final delivery. Discovery is the homework that needs to be done, and then all the nodes will somehow add up retrospectively.

Some voices might be louder than others in a group, which is part of human nature. However, overlooking may result in complex problems on a broader scale when developing the final product. So, we always try our best to be all-ears when we listen.

Act II

Iterating the way.

Creativity is a naturally iterative process; every step follows a prior one in a non-linear way. In a sound work environment, ideas generally move like the spread of a single drop of ink in a glass of water. Our keyword in solving design problems is 'trigger': It usually looks like a chaotic phenomenon; no one knows what ideas will pair to achieve a solution. So, we let it flow, to get muddy. It also helps to see the verges quickly while sketching and wireframing the ideas.

Hint: If it's not getting messy, you're not iterating.



It's a pixel-perfect game we play. Tech and design should always go hand-in-hand because of the nature of the product delivery journey. So we believe that a harmonic group can work as a production line rather than a bunch of individual talents competing with each other.

We concentrate on deep thinking as we begin and insist on high standards while designing and developing until the final delivery.